Henry's Positive World (New CD!) HenrysPositiveWorldCD_Cover_hanoawardwinner.jpg

Henry's Positive World (New CD!)

from $20.00
Henry's House Special Edition CD HHCD_BackCover_forwebwithshadows.png

Henry's House Special Edition CD

from $20.00
sold out

Cecilio & Kapono Together Live at the Waikiki Shell!

Sale Price:$5.00 Original Price:$20.00
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"Welcome 2 My Paradise" CD

from $20.00
"The Songs of C and K" CD SoCK_CD_LRG_2.jpg

"The Songs of C and K" CD

from $20.00
"Home in the Islands" 15th Anniversary CD HITI_CD_LargeSig.jpg

"Home in the Islands" 15th Anniversary CD

from $14.99
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"Duke's on Sunday 2" Live CD

from $14.99

"Rise and Shine" CD

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"We Ride" Rough Riders Limited Tour Edition EP CD


"Hawaiian Man" CD


"Greatest Hits 2" Brother Noland - CD

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"C and K White Album" CD

from $14.99
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"The Wild Hawaiian" CD

from $14.99
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"Spirit Dancer" CD

from $14.99
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"Evolution of Poi" CD

from $14.99
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"Same World" CD

from $14.99
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"His Songs His Stories His Style" CD

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"Keola and Moana Beamer (In Concert)" CD

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"Island Born" CD

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"Mohala Hou - Music of the Hawaiian Renaissance" CD

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"Beautiful Day" CD

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"I Wish Christmas Was Everyday" CD

from $14.99
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Cecilio & Kapono “The First Noel” Christmas CD

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"Merry Christmas To You" CD

from $14.99