The Story…
“Henrys house and Positive World was established during covid19 in 2020... It shares Henry’s personal reflections to current. It is very personal, very Henry and very basic & authentic. It offers his observations about going back to the basics when life was simpler. It reminds us that the little things are actually the big things... Henry has openly shared his home and his journey through 2020 with his Fans and Friends and continues to share with new Friends. From his music & stories to his doodles & personal pictures, Henry welcomes you to his home. ”
A Special Message From Mr. Tiki…
What is Henry’s House?
Henry’s House is my “Positive World”. It’s my Home in the Islands. It’s everything I love and represents everything about me, my music, my beliefs and my family. It’s about living life to its fullest. We work and play out of this house. It nourishes our souls.
When was Henry’s House & Positive World Established & Why?
While “staying at home” during the Covid19 pandemic and realizing the unforeseen catastrophe that was attacking us, I felt the need to inspire the message of love and hope to a shaken world. Knowing we are all in this together and that together we will get through this. Henry’s House is a metaphor for a Positive World and a platform to share the message.
What is “SUNNY TOWN” Playlist 1 About?
These songs were written during this crazy COVID19 Pandemic time. I wanted to go back to the basics, keeping it lean and live, no tricks, no frills… simple, fun and organic. The songs are about growing up through changing times. Appreciating what you have, enjoying the little things that are actually the big things. The songs are full of love, hope and friendship...and all that good stuff!!!
Who Is Mr. Tiki?
Mr Tiki! What’s his story?
Mr. Tiki was born with personality! He picked up his name and his own following on the Duke’s on Sunday live streams from Henry’s House during the Covid “stay at home” craziness.
Back in the Day Mr. Tiki came walking into Kapono’s, a popular outdoor concert venue at the Aloha Tower Marketplace in Honolulu. I was on stage performing and Mr. Tiki was presented to me by our crazy & creative in-house artist, Dwayne Valdez, as a gift for Kapono’s. Dwayne also created the Kapono’s logo and had a talent for bringing art to life.
Mr. Tiki has been with us ever since. Now he’s a part of Henry’s House and he’s digging it...and so are his fans.
Why All Digital?
We’re living in the Digital Age. It’s the best way to connect your music with the World. You can keep track of everything and be in control of your own destiny. It’s exciting!!!
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What’s Next?
More Good Stuff Coming Soon…