Family Virtue Cards

Family Virtue Cards
If you follow Henry Kapono & his POSITIVE WORD posts you are familiar with the wonder and beauty of the VIRTUE CARDS.
Each of the 52 VIRTUE CARDS has a Sacred Quotation, A description of the Virtue, Signs of Success and an Affirmation. Pick a card and practice daily and make “ALL THAT GOOD STUFF” a part of your every day!
SPECIAL! Every Virtue Card Pack includes a coral tie band with music note charm AND a Hawaiian print carry bag with raffia tie!
NOTE The Hawaiian print bags varies in design and print depending on current supplies.
“Virtues are the essence of who we are, the content of who we are and the basis for genuine happiness”. These virtue cards are created by Dan & Linda Popov and are part of THE VIRTUES PROJECT, a global initiative in more than 90 countries whose mission is “To inspire the practice of virtues in everyday life by helping people of all cultures to discover the transformative power of these universal gifts of character. The VIRTUES are spiritual life skills that help us to live our best lives.” For more information on THE VIRTUES PROJECT visit
Can you believe we have done over 100 Virtues in 100 days? You can watch them all here on Henry’s Youtube Channel “Henry’s Positive World” and relive each special moment.