"The Songs of C and K" CD

"The Songs of C and K" CD
Artist: Alx Kawakami, Blayne Asing, Josh Tatofi, Kalani Pe'a, Kimié Miner, Landon McNamara, Mike Love, Paula Fuga, Starr Kalahiki, Tavana
Release Date: 2018
With the support of First Hawaiian Bank, Henry Kapono brings together some of Hawaii’s most talented and successful young artists as they reimagine and re-record the C&K classics! Produced by Henry, this award winning CD features Alx Kawakami, Blayne Asing, Josh Tatofi, Kalani Pe'a, Kimié Miner, Landon McNamara, Mike Love, Paula Fuga, Starr Kalahiki and Tavana. With several special cameos by Henry! A portion of the net proceeds to benefit the Henry Kapono Foundation.
All In Love is Fair - Kalani Pe'a
Lifetime Party - Mike Love
Highway In The Sun - Kimié Miner
Railway Stations - Blayne Asing
Sunflower - Alx Kawakami
You And Me - Starr Kalahiki
Goodtimes Together - Landon McNamara
About You - Josh Tatofi
Home (and I'm Staying) Tavana
Song For Someone - Paula Fuga
Friends - Bonus Track (Henry Kapono & the after party (Alx, Blayne, Kalani, Kimié Paula & Tavana)!